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Throwback: Hook

Throwback: Hook

2h 16m
When his young children are abducted by his old nemesis, Capt. Hook, middle-aged lawyer Peter Banning returns to his magical origins as Peter Pan. Peter must revisit a foggy past in which he abandoned Neverland for family life, leaving Tinkerbell and the Lost Boys to fend for themselves. Given their bitterness toward Peter for growing up -- and their allegiance to their new leader, Rufio -- the old gang may not be happy to see him. Screening on Sundays and Tuesdays as part of our Throwback Season where we revisit classics. Each ticket to these showtimes includes complimentary popcorn and a drink.
Cast: Robin Williams, Dustin Hoffman, Julia Roberts, Bob Hoskins, Maggie Smith
Director(s): Steven Spielberg

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