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Toddler Club: Tiddler + The Snail and the Whale

Toddler Club: Tiddler + The Snail and the Whale

1h 4m
Join us for a Toddler Club double-bill, featuring Julia Donaldson's famous children's tales on the big screen! TIDDLER A little fish with a big imagination entertains friends with tall tales. One day, Tiddler gets lost but is saved by his own storytelling. THE SNAIL & THE WHALE A tiny snail sets out to see the world and hitches a ride on the tail of a friendly humpback whale. A joyous, empowering story about the world's natural wonders and discovering that you can make a difference no matter how small you are. Join us every Friday or Saturday for toddler-friendly cinema screenings. From ages 1 to 5, share your childhood favourites and the best new family film releases with your pre-schoolers, and we’ll bring you a warm drink and a slice of cake or a small popcorn, all included in the price of your ticket.
Director(s): Alex Bain, Andy Martin, Max Lang

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